MPM Recording 2019 Christoph Korbian-Schlemmer, Martin Lillich, Rainer Brennecke, Jan von Klewitz

MPM – MotionPerpetuationMachine arises from the idea of a musically human perpetuum mobile which because of its own produced lightness by ergonomics is in motion by itself and remains this way and in addition is generating energy surpluses.

MPMMotionPerpetuationMachine make “the impossible possible, as easy as possible, simple and effortless, elegant and aesthetic.” – Moshe Feldenkrais

MPMMotionPerpetuationMachine fuse different experiences, cultural perspectives and sounds into a balanced and entirely improvised performance, with the musicians moving together in complete synchronicity.
The music is a creative stream built on self-awareness, attentive listening and flexible responses.


perpetual motion machine – Perpetuum mobile

motion – Bewegung, Gang, Fortbewegung, Handbewegung, Kopfbewegung, Zeichen, Antrag, Motion, Winken, Bedeuten
motion picture – Spielfilm
motion sickness – Reisekrankheit
slow motion – Zeitlupe
air motion – Luftbewegung
Brownian motion – Brown´sche Molekularbewegung
crawling motion – Kriechbewegung
fast motion – Schnelldurchlauf/Zeitraffer
early day motion – frühzeitiger Antrag
motion sequence – Bewegungsabfolge
motion sensor – Bewegungsmelder
time and motion study – Zeitstudie

perpetuation – Fortbestand, Aufrechterhaltung
perpetual – annähernd
perpetually – ewig/ständig

machine – Apparat, Anrufbeantworter, Waschmaschine, Automat, Adressiermaschine, Addiermaschine, Gießmaschine, Wechselautomat, Zigarettenautomat, Kaffeemaschine, Kopiergerät.