MPM – MotionPerpetuationMachine arises from the idea of a musically human perpetuum mobile which because of its own produced lightness by ergonomics is in motion by itself and remains this way and in addition is generating energy surpluses.
MPM – MotionPerpetuationMachine make “the impossible possible, as easy as possible, simple and effortless, elegant and aesthetic.” – Moshe Feldenkrais
MPM – MotionPerpetuationMachine fuse different experiences, cultural perspectives and sounds into a balanced and entirely improvised performance, with the musicians moving together in complete synchronicity.
The music is a creative stream built on self-awareness, attentive listening and flexible responses.
perpetual motion machine – Perpetuum mobile
motion – Bewegung, Gang, Fortbewegung, Handbewegung, Kopfbewegung, Zeichen, Antrag, Motion, Winken, Bedeuten
motion picture – Spielfilm
motion sickness – Reisekrankheit
slow motion – Zeitlupe
air motion – Luftbewegung
Brownian motion – Brown´sche Molekularbewegung
crawling motion – Kriechbewegung
fast motion – Schnelldurchlauf/Zeitraffer
early day motion – frühzeitiger Antrag
motion sequence – Bewegungsabfolge
motion sensor – Bewegungsmelder
time and motion study – Zeitstudie
perpetuation – Fortbestand, Aufrechterhaltung
perpetual – annähernd
perpetually – ewig/ständig
machine – Apparat, Anrufbeantworter, Waschmaschine, Automat, Adressiermaschine, Addiermaschine, Gießmaschine, Wechselautomat, Zigarettenautomat, Kaffeemaschine, Kopiergerät.